Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Family Grows

So my suspicions were correct. I was witnessing people accepting Christ yesterday! And it happened again this morning. 4 new believers in addition to the 15 yesterday. These distributions are feeding more than just the body. The drama team is doing an awesome job of presenting the love of Christ through their presentations. I can't say enough good things about them.

Before the rice distribution, we met Kristina. She's from Manitoba, and has been in Cambodia since November. She got connected with Transform Asia and has been volunteering at the women's shelter all this time. She heads home in about a week to finish nursing school, but says she intends to come back. Anyways, she wanted to see the distribution, so she joined us and helped hand out bags of rice. I wish everyone could come be a part of one of these special moments.

After we finished with the distribution, Kristina took us on a quick tour of the women's shelter where she volunteers. It's basically a trade school, where women are taught skills to be able to make a living without resorting to selling themselves.

The trip to Battambang was a nice drive. It took a few hours, and after looking at a map, I see we travelled a decent ways. The only sad part of the trip was seeing the aftermath of a moto vs truck accident. I can see why traveling by moto or tuck tuck is generally frowned upon by insurance companies.

We'll be here in Battambang for the next few days, using it as our base of operations for the rice distributions. Tomorrow we do a distribution about 2 hours away in the morning and then come back for a presentation of rice to a local hospital.


Ps. Notable first for the day. Tried deer for the first time. It was pretty good, not as gamey as I would have thought. Not sure I'll be making that a regular staple though. We've been enjoying 'family style' meals, and Jim enjoys getting something a little unusual and tries to get us to try it. I'm still drawing the line at spiders.

Pps. Still trying to get Debbie to share her 'dinner companions' story. Peer pressure can help. ;)

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